Gestalt & Neuroscience: Bridging the Gap from Neurone to Presence
The Practicums led by Doug Sharp are designed for Therapists, Supervisors, & OD practitioners.
Gestalt theory and practice can be illuminated by the light of neuroscience. If you are like me, you will wonder how Gestalt concepts of Presence, Here & Now Orienting,
Figure /Ground, and Phenomenology can be understood & enhanced through neuroscience.
We will examine research, theory, and practice, using neuroscience lenses, and we will be informed by the research of:
Jaak Panksepp: Mark Solms: Frank Corrigan: Bjorn Merker: Antonio Damasio
Gestalt inquiry is creative, experimental, playful, and group oriented, so please come and practise your relational art.
The greatest scientists are artists as well – Albert Einstein
For enquiries and bookings please