Gestalt & Neuroscience: Bridging the Gap from Neurone to Presence

The Practicums led by Doug Sharp are designed for Therapists, Supervisors, & OD practitioners.

Gestalt theory and practice can be illuminated by the light of neuroscience. If you are like me, you will wonder how Gestalt concepts of Presence, Here & Now Orienting,
Figure /Ground, and Phenomenology can be understood & enhanced through neuroscience.

We will examine research, theory, and practice, using neuroscience lenses, and we will be informed by the research of:
Jaak Panksepp: Mark Solms: Frank Corrigan: Bjorn Merker: Antonio Damasio

Gestalt inquiry is creative, experimental, playful, and group oriented, so please come and practise your relational art.

The greatest scientists are artists as wellAlbert Einstein


For enquiries and bookings please

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