THE WELL GROUNDED THERAPIST - Movement and Stillness at the Edge

Friday 11th October – Sunday 13th October 2024

We are taking this established residential workshop to a new location, the secluded & tidal island of Lindisfarne, off the Northumberland coast.

For those of us who work with challenging aspects of the field, this residential will offer an alternative focus: to develop our relational ground and explore the edges of contact. This attention can nourish our capacity to stay open to potentially dysregulating figures. Miriam Taylor and Vienna Duff will invite you to attend to your own ground by exploring your relationship with different elements of the wider environment.

In this, sometimes wild & sometimes serene, place we will explore inner and outer to nourish, deepen and restore connections with ourselves, with others as well as the wider environment. The workshop will be created through a combination of story-telling, ritual, time and space for process, reflection and movement.

Dates have been chosen in relationship with the tides! Lindisfarne is an island which can ONLY be accessed when the tide is low enough to create a safe window for crossing the long causeway. 

For enquiries and bookings please contact:


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