
We provide individual and team coaching aimed at developing Leadership Skills, Executive Performance and Board/Team functioning.

Working with organisations, we specialise in the design of bespoke coaching interventions to support cultural and community transformation. In addition, we are also skilled and experienced in community building coaching interventions, specifically those that are co-produced, promote recovery and are inclusive of diverse and minority groups.


We believe that although organisations have the creative capacity to make positive change happen, they often need help in linking their change strategy with their approach to ‘what matters most’ in their culture. Experience has shown that this ensures a more sustainable type of change.

Our approach emphasises the importance of relationships in the development of teams and individuals. We have expertise and experience in working with all levels in an organisation to help focus vision, develop leadership, and innovate cultural and structural change processes.
How we may help you:

  • Leadership Development. We work with your leaders and managers to build better teams and relationships that will support your business and improve performance.
  • Facilitation. Developing relationships often means dealing with difficult conversations, group dynamics and potential conflict. We bring expertise in managing and facilitating such meetings informed by principles of deep democracy and relationally focussed gestalt approaches.
  • Organisational Development and Change. As well as practical training on how best to lead and ‘accompany’ change, we provide consulting support and on the job action-learning to ensure the organisation can develop it’s capability in the area of change management.
  • Bespoke Change Training. We offer bespoke training interventions designed specifically to create, enhance and embed skills to speed up, consolidate and sustain the change process.

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