Relational Organisational Gestalt (ROG) Programme

Relational Organisational Gestalt (ROG) Programme

A Certificate/Diploma programme leading to a European Accreditation as GPO (Gestalt Practitioner in Organisations)

What is ROG?

Relational Organisational Gestalt (ROG) is a holistic and practical approach to facilitating organisational and individual change. It is informed by Gestalt psychotherapy theory as well as by other complementary theoretical concepts.
The programme is structured around the Relational Change SOS (SELF, OTHER,SITUATION) framework which holds at its centre the importance of developing and nurturing ethical presence. For more information on the ROG programme, please download our Learning Outcomes flyer and watch our ROG videos on the Resources Page.


Who is ROG for?

The ROG programme provides skill enhancing training for coaches, consultants, leaders/managers, OD or HR professionals, facilitators and change agents working in any field. This training is also ideal for therapists and counsellors aiming to move into coaching or organisational work.


The Structure

The ROG programme offers two levels of learning:
- Level One: The ROG Certificate/Diploma programme
- Level Two: The Peer Learning and Applications Group (PAG) – leading to the EAGT- GPO European Accreditation

Level One: The ROG Certificate/Diploma Programme

The Certificate/Diploma programme comprises six 2 day workshops, which focus on developing awareness and skills in three interrelated areas: self, other, and situation. Together, they offer powerful frameworks to understand, lead and facilitate change in challenging times. The six modules are:

  • FOUNDATION module
  • SELF module
  • OTHER module
  • PROCESS module
  • SITUATION module
  • ADVANCED module

Completion of all six modules can lead to a certificate/diploma being awarded. 

Follow the link for more information on Costs and Dates for the 2025-2026 ROG Level One programme.

Email: Marie-Anne Chidiac on for any questions or bookings. 

Level Two: Peer learning and Applications Group (PAG)

This advanced PAG training is a consolidation of learning gained in level one of the training through peer support and a focus on more in-depth application in organisations. This training will support people to prepare their portfolio/dossier of evidence and reflection as required for submission when applying for the award of GPO; (Gestalt Practitioner in Organisations - awarded by European Association for Gestalt Therapy - EAGT).

Level two comprises 8 days of training on advanced ROG topics which, along with level one, will prepare those candidates wishing to apply for the GPO accreditation.

Follow the link for more information on Costs and Dates for the ROG Level Two PAG programme. Please note Level Two training only runs every other year.

Email: Marie-Anne Chidiac on for any questions or bookings.  

ROG Newsletter Features and Resources

Below are past Relational Change newsletters which have featured the ROG programme.
For further information, please go to our resources page for more articles and videos on ROG.

ROG in The Wild / Illustrations of ROG

We are delighted to bring you illustrations of how the ROG approach has made a difference to individuals and organisations. These articles, vlogs and personal reflections come from a diverse mix of practitioners, some of whom are experienced leaders but new to ROG, while some are seasoned OD professionals. What the contributions all point to however, is the potency and importance of a relational and emergent approach in organisational work.

John Hovell (2025): "ROG in the Wild: Global Culture Change."
Renata Gizatulina (2025): "Holistic Organisational Well-being."
Mary Rafferty (2025): "Seeing With Fresh Eyes: How ROG Expanded My Awareness, Presence, Contact and Self-Acceptance."
Helen Ross (2025): "Gazing into the Morning Light: The Quiet Revelation of Ethical Presence"
Justin Denholm (2021):The SOS model and tuberculosis programmatic change in the COVID pandemic.
Jessica Löwenhielm and Niklas Lindhardt (2021):Applying ROG using a 5D Appreciative Inquiry process for team and organisational development.
Maggie Marriott (2021):The relief of the ecological turn.
Cathie O’Brien (2021):How do I use ROG in educational settings/children’s services?
Lazaro Wolf (2021):ROG and the change in my Self.
Steven Goldstein (2021):How a ROG approach helps me, my coaching and my clients.
Eva Deligiannis (2021):The Wave model and the Victorian Judicial System.
James Woodeson (2021):How ROG has impacted my work.
Toni Clarkson (2021):ROG – a homecoming.

Watch our series of YouTube videos about Relational Organisational Gestalt on the Resources page by Marie-Anne Chidiac and Sally Denham-Vaughan.

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