Post Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Supervision 2025: A Relational Change Process

Commencing January 2025, Kingston Upon Thames and ONLINE.
Supervision is a requirement for counsellors, psychotherapists as well as coaches and many others in the helping professions. Whether working clinically or in a coaching setting with clients, it is not unusual for practitioners to experience relational and practice difficulties. This translates into the need for a supervisor who can offer new models and a fresh perspective as well as supporting competent practice. Our approach to supervision practice is deeply relational. On this 10 day course over 9 months, we will consider the relationships between the self of the client, the therapist/coach and the supervisor, their specific contexts, and the wider field, based upon our new matrix model of a relational approach to supervision and supervisory practice. You can download the BGJ paper by Chidiac, Denham-Vaughan and Osborne The Relational Matrix Model of Supervision, which is also available on the Resources Page

This course is UKCP (HIPC) recognised, meets BACP standards, and is suitable for psychotherapists, counsellors and organisational practitioners with at least 2 years experience, wishing to be accredited to supervise others. Diploma track is also available. UKCP members who complete the supervision Diploma can go straight onto the HIPC Supervisors Directory.
UKCP(HIPC) have said about the course: The course had been written, staffed and run to a very high standard indeed. [...] The inclusion of the assessed clinical and theoretical presentations along with the skills practice gives a clear method of assessment and that coupled with the Supervision of Supervision gives a confidence that the graduates from this course will have been trained to become competent and trustworthy practitioners.

This is what previous students have said about the course:
"If you are looking for professionally managed program that integrates and grounds theory with experiential learning in an inclusive and expertly facilitated environment, then this is the one for you."
Jess Taylor: OD Practitioner

 "Thank you for a most fantastic course it has brought up so much and inspired me in so may ways."
Debbie Greensill: Clinical Psychologist in NHS.

For these and other testimonials about the course, please click here.

The workshops will be facilitated by Lynda Osborne, Marie-Anne Chidiac and Douglas Sharp.
For further information please download our Post Graduate Certificate in Supervision flyer below and check out our FAQ leaflet.
For more details please contact Lynda Osborne at or to book your place please email: Mandy at

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Post Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Supervision 2024: A Relational Change Process

This programme is now full and has started in January 2024

Certificate Dates:
25 26 27 January 2024
26 27 April 2024
6 7 June 2024
12 13 14 September, 2024

Diploma Dates:
1 2 November 2024


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